It was a choice-driven RPG that seemed inspired by the Star Wars tabletop role playing game as it uses the d20 system. Things were far from bad for Xbox but Knights of the Old Republic is generally agreed upon to be one of the best games for that platform. Things were looking grim for Xbox, but while on the verge of succumbing to the empire built by their console competitors, a new hope arose in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Determined as they were, Microsoft’s forces simply lacked enough noteworthy exclusive titles to wage an effective war on two fronts against Nintendo and Sony.

Sega had suffered massive losses under heavy assaults from Nintendo and Sony, and Microsoft seized this opportunity to battle the console empire established by the Japanese powerhouses.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, Microsoft’s Xbox was struggling in trying to establish dominance as a newcomer in the decades long console wars.